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All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

News Brief: Study Shows 40% of Insured Workers Delay Health Care Due to Costs

-研究显示40%的参保工人因成本原因推迟了医疗保健-员工健康支付平台paypatient的一项研究揭示了美国人在雇主赞助的保险方面面临的挑战. Notably, 40% of workers...

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Live Well, Work Well : Breaking Down Mental Health Stigma

Breaking Down Mental Health Stigma - May is Mental Health Awareness Month, 全国卫生纪念活动,旨在阐明心理健康状况并促进对这些状况的理解和支持...

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Benefits Insights: Health​ Care Costs and Your Employee Health Plan

Health Care Costs and Your Employee Health Plan - Health care costs, and consequently employee health benefits costs, have been increasing at an alarming rate for nearly a decade. Avoiding rising health care costs is...

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Mental Health Minute - April 2024

认识压力的迹象和建立弹性-四月是压力意识月, 这是一个致力于承认压力普遍存在并赋予个人有效管理压力的时代. In today’s fast-...

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Live Well, Work Well - April 2024

- The Health Benefits of Walking - Walking is often overlooked as a form of exercise; however, it offers several health benefits for the body and mind. This simple yet powerful activity is accessible to people of all...

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Live Well, Work Well - March 2024

- Live Well, 好好工作- 2024年3月-了解肾脏健康- 3月是全国肾脏月, 这是一个很好的时间来控制你的健康,降低你患肾脏疾病的机会. Your...

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Mental Health Minute - March 2024

-心理健康分钟- 2024年3月-认识成人多动症的症状-美国儿科学会的一项新研究.S. 美国食品和药物管理局显示,用于治疗注意力缺陷/多动症的药物处方...

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Top 2024 Wellness Trends

Top 2024 Wellness Trends - As the workplace landscape continues to evolve, so does the understanding of employee wellness. 在2024年,组织正在采用创新战略来优先考虑他们的员工...

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Live Well, Work Well - January 2024

Live Well, 工作好- 2024年1月-如何制定和保持你的新年决心-新的一年开始了, you may be reflecting on the past year. This introspection is a significant first step toward selecting a New...

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Mental Health Minute - January 2024

Mental Health Minute - January 2024 - Mental Health Benefits of a Clean, Organized Space - If you’re struggling with seasonal affective disorder, anxiety, depression or other mental health issues, keeping your home tidy...

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Home Care for the Common Cold and Flu

-普通感冒和流感的家庭护理-许多人去看医生,即使他们不需要医生的专业知识来诊断和治疗他们的症状. The next time you or someone in your family has a cold or...

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Live Well, Work Well - November 2023

11月是美国糖尿病月——美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)报告称,超过3700万美国成年人患有糖尿病, and 1 in 5 don’t know they have it. Diabetes is a chronic disease...

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Mental Health Minute - November 2023


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HR Insights: Preparing for the Fall and Winter Virus Season

为秋季和冬季病毒季节做好准备——秋季和冬季通常是导致呼吸道疾病的病毒传播更严重的季节. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, influenza (flu) and respiratory syncytial...

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Think Well, Be Well: Sleep + Mental Health

Sleep Matters for Mental Health - When you don’t get enough sleep, not only does it affect your physical health, but it also takes a toll on your mental health. In fact, mental health and sleep are so closely related...

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Mental Health Minute - October 2023

- - How Can Grounding Techniques Help Manage Feelings? - Grounding is a practice that can help you manage experiences such as flashbacks, unwanted memories or negative emotions. These techniques involve focusing on the...

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Live Well, Work Well - October 2023

美高美集团4688今年流感季节要知道的事情——在美国,流感季节从10月持续到5月, with peak flu activity between December and March. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the...

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Mental Health Minute - September 2023


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Live Well, Work Well - September 2023

- - Live Well, 工作好:健康与快乐之间的联系-在追求一个充实的生活, happiness is a goal for many. However, happiness is not an isolated concept; it’s complex and connected to your...

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CDC Alerts of Late Summer Surge in COVID-19 Cases

——疾病预防控制中心对夏末COVID-19病例激增的警告——这是连续第四个夏天, the United States is experiencing an increase in COVID-19 cases. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)...

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Understanding Neurodiversity

神经多样性并不新鲜,但近年来,对它的认识已经获得了主流的关注. In 1998, 澳大利亚社会学家朱迪·辛格(Judy Singer)创造了“神经多样性”一词,以认识到每个人的大脑...

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A Beginner's Guide to Starting a Realistic Exercise Routine

Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It can improve your overall health, help you manage your weight, prevent adverse health outcomes and boost your mental health. Unfortunately, only 1 in...

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Winter Wellness Tips

The winter months are notorious for bringing sickness. Influenza (flu) season begins in October and peaks between December and February. Colds are also more common during the season. Further adding to the mix of...

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The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

众所周知,体育锻炼对你的身体有好处,它也可以帮助你的头脑. 研究继续证实,锻炼可以通过减少焦虑来改善心理健康, depression and a negative mood. When you...

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Benefits Insights: 5 Things to Consider When Selecting a Health Plan

选择健康计划时要考虑的5件事对任何雇主来说,改变健康计划都是一项重大决定, regardless of size. Not only is health insurance a costly commitment, it also impacts recruitment...

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The Impact of Sleep on Mental Health

Not only is your physical health affected when you don’t get enough sleep, but it also takes a toll on your mental health. 事实上,心理健康和睡眠密切相关,睡眠不足往往会导致...

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